Tuesday, August 27, 2019

My volcano made out of shapes and lines

My reflection

I found it interesting that I can now make a volcano out of shapes and lines. I figured out how to make it kinda look 3d. I found it tricky and interesting because when I put shapes on the drawing I was so amazed by the color and shape. When I started I didn't know what to do bur when i found out how to do it I liked my creativity.

Friday, August 9, 2019

My research on a NZ native tree

My Reflection

I  found it interesting that I could research five things in one day. I really liked researching about a rata tree. I found it researching and fun especially googling stuff i didn't know about. When i researched information sometimes I didn't understand so I only chose information I could make sense of.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Matariki Soup video

My reflection
I really enjoyed putting this video together because I learnt how to save photos, download, and use adobe spark. This is my first video ever using adobe spark. I got to choose the music and personalise it myself.