Friday, May 31, 2019

what makes us kiwi

My reflection

I am learning to find out what makes us kiwi. Did you know that kiwis love l&p.  I am proud to be kiwi because I love the all blacks and most kiwis love to wear jandals.

Made with Padlet

Friday, May 17, 2019

Comparing the past and present

My reflection
I am learning to compare the past with present . I found it interesting that if you were naughty you would get whipped now you don't get whipped. In the old days they had horses if they were rich. but now we have cars and buses. They even had to make their own butter but we don't we can just buy it from a shop.

Monday, May 13, 2019

My letter as a soldier...

My reflection

I was learning to record a sad letter I wrote. I was successful because I wrote a letter to my mother while I was a war.